March 27, 2014

At the Salon

Yesterday I went to the salon. It was time to have my hair done. Miss Emily has been having me grow it out. It looked feminine before yesterday but now it is even more so.

I got a perm. My first one. I didn't know I was getting it. Miss Emily had talked to the woman who does my hair. I guess it wasn't any of my business. A lot of things aren't.

I thought it smelled awful although that is mostly gone now. I have darker highlights on my blonde hair and light curls. And now my earrings show more. I have two in each ear.

At the grocery story yesterday I definitely got some looks and one man hit on me. He was older and it made my stomach churn a little. He called me me sweetie and had his hand on my arm. I stammered that I had to go. He let me do that.



  1. Nice blog. Thanks for your efforts.

    So, if I don't misunderstood, you are already a virgin? I suppose to say you have not penetrated a woman yet? Also you have not been with a real man yet?

    What about your mistress? Has she been with a real man? Is oral sex enough for her? Does she think to make you a cuckold?

    1. I am glad you like the blog. I will answer your questions in a post.

  2. I loved reading that an older man had hit on you at the grocery. What a wonderful confirmation of your desirability! I think he's the first of many that will happen in the future.



    1. I think you might be right. I has happened before.
