June 17, 2014

How Does She Do That?

Yesterday was a quieter day after the weekend. I did receive a nice surprise late in the afternoon when a dozen pink and yellow roses were delivered. They were from Miss Emily, with a lovely note. I was blushing and grinning.

But I also was exhausted from the weekend. Miss Emily was getting home late so I went to bed early. I slept almost 10 hours. In fact, I almost overslept. I can imagine how annoyed she would have been if that had happened.

Maybe it didn't matter. This morning she was back to being very cool toward me. I was a servant, not so much a wife. I was still floating along and somehow she was able to flip some switch and be that way.

I often wonder how she does that. My only mode seems to be to please her, or at least try. I never am quite sure how she will treat me. I think it keeps me off balance.

This morning she noticed a drop of coffee on the kitchen counter. She was not pleased as she called the kitchen "filthy." She doesn't angry or yell. But the tone of her voice lets me know I have displeased her. I don't think there's any worse feeling.

So I scrubbed the kitchen, even cleaning the refrigerator and the stove. I hope she notices but I somehow doubt she will. While it always feels better when she does notice, I know it doesn't really matter.



  1. "Floating along" I know that feeling :). I will wake up all happy, almost giddy, then he says something to bring me back down to earth, sigh, lol. Oh well, c'est la vie. But I guess we would be no good just floating around all day...or would we?! ;)

  2. I doubt I'd get a thing done if I was floating all the time. lol

  3. You'll never know the ways we dominants have, Danni. :)
