June 11, 2014

A Servant Again

Miss Emily is finally back home after a business trip and much excitement about hockey. I'll never understand why people get so excited about sports. But she loves watching. So sometimes I watch, too. This was different though. This time she went to the games, In Los Angeles and New York, while I was home.

Last night I put on my French maid's uniform and put my hair up. I wanted to impress her. So what happened? She barely gave me a thought. Oh, I could see a look in her eyes of amusement when she first walked through the door. But for the evening I was her servant. She was cool and distant. Inside I was so excited she was home.

For some reason the more she treats me like a maid the more I need to please her. I guess she knows that. I'll never quite understand the relationship we have or why we both seem to crave it. Well, I know I crave her attention.

I am not quite sure what she craves, except for my submission. She has that. But no matter how hard I try to please her I fell like it's never enough. I wish I could be content more of the time.



  1. Sounds like, after your time apart, this is exactly what you both needed :)

    I think you did the right thing, in wearing the uniform

    1. I'll write about last night later, but I think you're right. :)
