June 6, 2014

On My Own, Sort of

Miss Emily is way on business this week. She won't be back until late Sunday. Usually when she's away she makes sure others are watching me. Her friend Amy or her mom or sisters. This time I am on my own.

I did have my hair done yesterday. It's no longer permed and the color is a lighter blonde now. It's strange being alone. I can stay up later and there's less housework to do. Certainly the laundry is done. And that's a relief after the washing machine broke. Besides the flood I had to clean up the dirty clothes piled up until a new one was delivered.

So here I am on my own. Except Miss Emily is always with me. If I am ever tempted to break some rule or another I can feel her disapproval. For some reason that comforts me. Isn't that strange.
